TreeVault Feature is one of the best features of Family Tree Maker 2019 (FTM 2019). But if you have any issue regarding TreeVault then this article will help you to get it out. This article will guide you how to fix TreeVault Issues from your FTM 2019.
Troubleshooting TreeVault Issues
Here, we give some best tips to fixing TreeVault Issue from your FTM 2019. So, read the full article so that you can easily resolve your Tree Vault Issue.
Internet Connection Issue
If you are showing the error unable to connect to the server during to log in to the TreeVault account it means you have an internet connection. The internet connection issue comes due to two reasons. The first reason is due to maintenance and second reason is fault in the internet connection.
You will get a message service is temporarily unavailable or a connection to TreeVault Cloud Service when the server is down.
TreeVault Account Issue
If your TreeVault account is already used on another device and then if you are trying to open your account an error message is shown on your computer screen that the TreeVault account is in use. So, first, close the tree vault account from the other device.
Next of Kin Account Locked
If you have a next of kin account and your successor tried to activate your Next of kin account then sometime it gets locked. Then you are not able to log into your Tree Vault account. In case if you have already open your tree vault account then you can’t create an antenna tree.
So, we hope now you can easily fix TreeVault issues if you face any. But if you still face any issues, you can easily get instant help by calling the Family Tree Makers Support toll-free number.