Family Book Creator for FTM 2019

Family Tree Makers Support

As everyone is aware, Family Book Creator is a software tool that makes it easy for users to compile individualized family history books. The most excellent part of this software is that it makes it simple for everyone to record and preserve their family history in the finest possible book format. In addition to its many capabilities, this software has an option that allows users to personalize their family history books to suit their tastes.

What is the Family Book Creator 2019?

The Family Tree Maker plugin version that is available is called 2019 Family Book Creator. Using this software, individuals can compile details and images of their family into a book. The charting companion plugin allows users to accomplish this. Family Tree Maker 2017 and 2019 are intended to work with FTM 2019. It is currently only compatible with Windows OS; MacOS is not supported.

What has been added to the 2019 version?

Family Book Creator’s most recent significant release is Book Creator 2019. For Windows and Mac, Family Tree Maker 2017 and 2019 are compatible with this release.

New appearance and touch

There has been a change to the UI. As a result, the user interface appears more contemporary, and most tab controls have icons to help users recall where settings are located. It should be noted that not all controls have been rearranged. It should be possible for users of earlier versions to locate the settings to which they are accustomed. 

Enhanced in-house text editor

The integrated text editor has been enhanced, allowing users to modify text elements for the Title Page, Colophon, Dedication, Foreword, and Introduction sections. Images can now be inserted, and the content of these pages is displayed in a zoomable layout view. The newly improved text editor’s most recognizable features are:

  • Open and store files in popular formats, such as Microsoft Word.
  • Complete control over font and paragraph settings.
  • You can insert text boxes, images, and tables.
  • Spell checker in full-screen mode – and much more…

Integrate media file content into word-processing file formats.

You can also include word processing media elements in your book creations, starting with Family Book Creator 2019. With this version of Family Book Maker, you may add text from media files in word processor file formats, such as Open Document Text (ODT), Microsoft Word Document (DOC and DOCX), and Rich Text Format (RTF). Additionally supported are media elements in HTML, Portable Document Format (PDF), and FTM’s Smart Story Format (FTMS).

Legendary Color Coding and Color Coding in White

Now, Family Tree Maker’s assigned colours are automatically used to create a Color Coding Legend in FBC. Now, the user can print in black and white using a wide range of symbols in either unicolor or multicolor; yellow can even be swapped out for gray.

How can I go from the previous edition of Family Book Creator to the 2019 version?

A user may be qualified for a free or discounted upgrade if he currently possesses a license for an older version of this. Additionally, by exporting the data as a Gedcom file, a user can move from utilizing an older version of FTM to the most recent version. Users can transfer their family tree between software applications using a Gedcom file. Through Gedcom, users can upload their tree to Ancestry or FTM.

You can build a Gedcom file by doing the following steps:

  • Launch the Family Tree Maker application that you’re using.
  • Select the File option located in the upper-left corner of the ToolBar.
  • From the drop-down menu, choose Export.
  • Choose Gedcom as the file type.
  • Choose where you wish to store your file.
  • Give the file a name that makes sense to you.

Where is it available for purchase?

You can just get it straight from the official website, where you can discover pricing information, other data, and information on the various software versions. Thus, to purchase it, you must first visit the official website and select the desired software version. Additionally, you may quickly choose between the regular and professional versions based on their characteristics. Thus, after selecting, you must add the appropriate item to your cart and go to the checkout.

Using a bank transfer, PayPal, or credit card makes buying simple. Following that, you will receive an email, and you will need to download and install the software by following the on-screen instructions.

People Also Ask!

After gaining comprehensive knowledge of Family book creators for FTM 2019, let us review some FAQs.

Can I use Family Tree Maker to create a book?

Using your family tree, FBC is an official Family Tree Maker plugin that lets you create a high-quality family history book on your desktop computer.

Is the software Book Creator free?

Book Creator has a free edition that allows users to create one book for free to test the program. Users can create infinite books using the premium version, which does not have in-app transactions. This version is perfect for use in classrooms.

Which Family Book Creator version is the most recent?

Its most recent significant release is the 2019 version.

1 thought on “Family Book Creator for FTM 2019”

  1. Hello,

    I have signed up for newsletter as I wish to download Book Creator. I have been a FTM for many years.

    I have wasted over 2 hours trying to download Book Creator 2019. I receive message of : “Can’t open this file – something went wrong”, and “Couldn’t Download – network issue”. I was able to download User Guide FBC2019.

    Firstly, I note from your “Help” page that you do not provide phone assistance. I think this is ridiculously poor customer service. It is so much quicker and efficient to be able to speak to a real person rather than answer meaningless question after question from a pre-set list and simply end up going around in circles as I have done today.

    Surely this download should be able to be completed in a matter of minutes ?

    When attempting the download of Family Book Creator 2019-24-14230-2447.en.exe I only get a download titled Unconfirmed 988093, type of file CRDOWNLOAD, open with Word which only gives a pile of unrecogniseable syntax, including rows of very small squares.

    I am ready to start preparing my research for creating a book but can’t proceed beyond this point.

    If it is too hard for you to simply ring me, please provide a detailed step by step process (in plain English) to allow me to download the Book Creator trial program.

    It really shouldn’t be this difficult, don’t you think ?


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