TreeVault Cloud Services: What Is It?
TreeVault maintains a cloud backup of your media collection and tree data, updated every 15 seconds, so you may retrieve it in the event that your hard drive fails or something else untoward occurs.
A tree vault antenna tree: what is it?
To use with TreeVault Cloud Services like Emergency Tree® Restore and the FTM Connect app, you upload an exact copy of your FTM tree via a TreeVault Antenna tree, including items that do not presently sync with Ancestry like the Change Log and web links.
How do I create a TreeVault account?
There are two methods for setting up an account in TreeVault. The first is to access Family Tree Maker for the first time after installation and click the Get Account button on step 2 of the registration routine.
Can an Ancestry tree be replaced with a TreeVault Antenna tree?
They’re not at all the same. You can see that FamilySync® allows you to synchronize an Ancestry tree with an FTM tree on one or more computers by using the example below. This can help you stay current with your research online so you can share it with others and use it in conjunction with AncestryDNA, as well as provide you with Ancestry clues within Family Tree Maker®.
Is TreeVault a Dropbox-like cloud storage platform?
No. In general, cloud storage is only as current as the last file upload you made. When you make updates to your Family Tree Maker tree with TreeVault, your Antenna tree is updated instantly. Additionally, the free FTM Connect mobile app allows you to examine your TreeVault Antenna tree and contains the change log, allowing you to roll back modifications to make corrections in addition to restoring your tree.
What is cloud services’ primary objective?
Cloud computing reduces costs and facilitates data backup, disaster recovery, and business continuity by allowing data to be replicated at several redundant sites on the network of the cloud provider.
What is the start date of my TreeVault subscription?
You can start using TreeVault cloud services immediately after making your purchase, which starts your TreeVault subscription!
With a Media Plus subscription, how much media can I store?
Up to 10 GB of media and tree data are available with the Media Plus subscription, which often meets the demands of most customers. We offer the Media Grand membership, which provides up to 200 GB of storage if you find that you need more than this for your larger tree. Start by selecting Manage TreeVault Account… > Subscription from the TreeVault icon in order to upgrade to Media Grand.
After my TreeVault subscription expires, what happens to my antenna tree?
We store your antenna tree and keep it secure for you, just in case you decide to change your mind and decide to subscribe again. On the other hand, you won’t be able to perform an emergency restore, and your antenna tree won’t alter as of the termination date of your subscription. Simply go to the TreeVault menu in FTM 2019, select Manage TreeVault Account, and then select Delete Antenna Tree in the TreeVault Account Manager if you do not want us to keep the antenna tree for you.
Are the antenna tree and TreeVault Cloud Services secure?
Amazon Web Services (AWS), one of the top and safest cloud storage providers, is used by TreeVault, just like Ancestry. TreeVault and Antenna Tree provide private and secure access to your family history data.
Can I use TreeVault to upload more than one tree?
Right now, TreeVault only allows you to upload a single tree. To restore the tree using FTM Connect and Emergency Tree Restore, you need to maintain the updated functional tree on TreeVault.