Family Tree Maker Software has launched a new service called TreeVault Cloud Service. In September 2019, MacKiev debuted FTM2019 and offered a year of free cloud service. A typical cloud storage system is not what the Cloud service provides. It’s not the same as iCloud, DropBox, or Google Drive. If your computer crashes or is lost, you can download your tree using this storage solution. When you download the family tree from TreeVault, no data is lost. Here we have discussed all the details.
TreeVault Cloud Services Login
To log into TreeVault, take the following actions:
- First, you must proceed to the FTM 2019 and click the TreeVault symbol indicated on the main toolbar.
- After selecting the login option, you must immediately go to the TreeVault login window.
- The next step is to click the “forgot password” link, which is located to the right of the relevant password entering the area.
- The email associated with your TreeVault account must be written down before selecting Send Reset Email.
- Subsequently, you must promptly check your email inbox for the email and click on the unique URL provided in the email.
- Once you have entered the new password in the designated field, you must select the save password option.
TreeVault Cloud Services Subscription
You must take the following actions to manage your TreeVault subscription:
- The FastSpring account management option is the first thing you need to do.
- The next step is to enter the email address indicated in the provided field and select the “Continue” option.
- Subsequently, click this link to manage your orders, and click the log link there.
- Navigate to the subscriptions tab and select the option to cancel your subscription there.
Best wishes! You are prepared to create a TreeVault Antenna Tree now that your TreeVault account is live.
TreeVault’s Best Features
There are several critical features of TreeVault listed in the following:
Emergency Tree® Restoration Assistance
TreeVault maintains a cloud backup of your media collection and tree data, updated every 15 seconds, so you may retrieve it if your hard drive fails or something untoward occurs.
Family Tree Maker Connect
You can see your latest FTM tree whenever and wherever you want using the free Family Tree Maker Connect app for iPhone, Android, and iPad.
Next to Kin®
Using the Next of Kin cloud service, you can name a successor to inherit your FTM tree, ensuring that your family’s legacy is carried forward to the following generation. If you choose the Media Plus subscription level, it includes your entire media library plus any Ancestry.com photographs included in your tree if synced with Ancestry. When the time comes, your successor will have access to a copy of Family Tree Maker and all the instructions and passcodes needed to continue where you left off.
Historic Weather®
With over a BILLION historical weather records dating back to the 1800s, Historical Weather allows you to set the atmosphere for events in your family history. With just one tick, you can automatically integrate all that fascinating historical weather data into your Smart Stories and books with Smart Weather Sentences in FTM 2019: factual information and readable summaries of the circumstances on a given day.