Family Book Creator FAQ

Family Tree Makers Support

Family Book Creator: What is it?

Using your family tree, Family Book Creator is an official Family Tree Maker plugin that lets you create a high-quality family history book on your desktop computer. Click this link to the plugin website for a more thorough overview of its features. In January 2020, the most recent version, Family Book Creator 2019, was made available. To get a summary of the new features, click this link.

Does using Family Book Creator pay off?

You’re going to love it! The application is user-friendly and offers excellent options and filters for book creation. The ease with which this software can compile data and produce a fantastic book is astounding. Giving family members information in book form is made incredibly simple by FBC.

Which languages does Family Book Creator support?

Family Book Creator’s interface is in English by default. Still, you can use the User Interface Language dropdown on the General tab to convert it to Swedish or German when using the plugin.  For the book output itself, you can choose several languages: Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish.   

What advantages come with becoming a book author?

With the help of the robust tool Book Creator, users may write, read, and publish multimedia digital books. Anyone can use Book Creator, regardless of age, skill level, or literacy level. Because of its adaptability, teachers can utilise it as a great tool in the classroom to help their students use more of their imaginations.

How should a family history book be set up?

Split your book into six to twelve chapters, each about the same length. Your chapters can be arranged in a few ways: You can organise your chapters around historical events in your family’s past or into periods (they don’t have to be equal). Within their chapters, some family historians group generations together.

Is it simple to use Book Creator?

It is ideal for enabling students to produce and share their work because of its simplicity and adaptability in media and publication.

Why are books about families critical?

You may assist kids in discovering their hobbies and passions by exposing them to diverse books. Children with a passion for learning are more likely to have a lifelong curiosity about the world around them. It’s a great approach to connect and bond with your kids to read to them.

Which Family Book Creator version is the most recent?

Build 584, the most recent iteration of Family Book Creator for Windows was made available in May 2020. The Family Book Creator installation can be updated or installed for the first time using the installation packages. So you won’t have to buy it once again.

How can Family Book Creator be installed and activated?

You can receive an email with a link to the download area if you sign up for the Family Book Creator newsletter. Download and launch the installer, launch Family Tree Maker, select a family tree to utilise with the plugin, and then select Family Book Creator from the Tools menu by going through Plugins to Export with Plugin.

1 thought on “Family Book Creator FAQ”

  1. How can I insert saved documents (eg a Preface) into a book created by Book Creator


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