Family Tree Maker Remote Support

Family Tree Makers Support

Sometimes, problems can only be handled by talking to an agent on the phone. Every issue has a different degree of severity, and more severe problems occasionally need specialised assistance, like remote help.

FTM Remote Support

Remote support is far more specialised and sophisticated than phone and chat support. When is the right time to choose remote support? First, when you believe that a phone call or online chat won’t be enough to fix the situation. Second, if you want someone to fix the problems remotely, you must be tech-savvy. There could also be other explanations. How is remote support operated? When receiving remote support, a technician will establish a connection and gain remote access to the computer.

The professional will remotely carry out troubleshooting and fix the problem the user is experiencing. This has a magical effect. A functional internet connection is the only requirement for remote support.

Query About Remote Support

Use the chat feature or call Family Tree Maker’s support number to access remote assistance. They will set up remote support after they are connected to the support. Remote help is straightforward and convenient, making it ideal for consumers still getting used to new technology.

1 thought on “Family Tree Maker Remote Support”

  1. This is being offered to Family Tree makers right? Also please add to software a way to merge trees without duplicates or a very easy way to fix. I saw where many people have asked for this improvement.


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FTM Support +1-214-519-8233